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Wexford Soccer Club

Parent's Code of Conduct

If children are to grow and develop in their sport or physical activity, an environment of positive communication and respect must exist.
Parents should observe the following Code of Conduct with their child athletes/players.

  • I will remember that my child is involved in organized soccer for his or her enjoyment, not for mine.
  • I will set a good example and behave in a manner appropriate to a role model. 
  • I will promote respect, through my words and actions, for the rules of the game, the coaches, the officials and their decisions, members of my own team and opponents.
  • I will refrain from making rude, abusive, derogatory, or argumentative comments to players, coaches, officials, or spectators. 
  • If I am unsure of something, I will ask the coach for clarification at an appropriate time, and in a professional manner.
  • I will be supportive of my child, the team, and the coach whether the team is winning or losing. 
  • I will have my child at the practices or games at the time designated by the coach.
  • I will leave the coaching to the coaches. 
  • I will encourage my child to play by the rules and resolve conflicts in a positive manner using self-discipline.
  • I will teach my child that an honest effort is as important as a victory. 
  • I will emphasize to my child the importance of good sportsmanship.
  • I will avoid criticizing my child for making mistakes and will not embarrass my child by yelling at players, coaches, parents, or officials. 
  • I will help my child work towards skill development by emphasizing the importance of practice.
  • I will respect and show appreciation for the volunteer coaches who give of their time to provide soccer activities for my child.



PHOTO DAY - This Saturday, January 15th


Indoor Restarts January 4th


Indoor House League - U11 STARTED NOV 16TH
