Weather|Rain Policy
Rain or shine please be on time!
Our season operates on a relatively inflexible schedule, due to the number of teams within the Club and the limited number of fields.
All House League games will be played!
Only the referee is able to cancel/delay a game. This decision will be made at the field.
In case of inclement weather, the Wexford Soccer Club main web page, ticker tape announcement and Facebook page will be used to indicate field conditions, status of games and to provide other weather related information.
Please check the website often!
We strongly encourage parents and players to check the website up to 30 minutes prior to coming to the fields for games.
If there is no notice on the main page (or ticker tape),then games are being played as scheduled. Please show up at the field.
Soccer will only be cancelled if the City of Toronto closes the fields due to weather/wet conditions.
In the event that games are cancelled, a notice will be placed on the website and Facebook. We will also attempt to contact parents and players via email.
Hot and Cold
We play soccer in cold, rain or heat.
During a heat wave, players should be kept well hydrated.
Referees and coaches will allow for extra water breaks. (Remember, refillable bottles only).
On cool days, please make sure players are dressed appropriately.
Referees have been instructed that if they see lightning or hear thunder, they are to get everybody (players, coaches, parents, fans) to a safe place.
The Wexford Soccer Club House League Committee (WSCHLC) will do everything it can to play all scheduled games that are listed on each team's schedule.
However, due to field availability and time constraints, WSCHLC cannot guarantee that all matches that are rained-out or cancelled will be rescheduled.
Our season operates on a relatively inflexible schedule, due to the number of teams within the Club and the limited number of fields.
All House League games will be played!
Only the referee is able to cancel/delay a game. This decision will be made at the field.
In case of inclement weather, the Wexford Soccer Club main web page, ticker tape announcement and Facebook page will be used to indicate field conditions, status of games and to provide other weather related information.
Please check the website often!
We strongly encourage parents and players to check the website up to 30 minutes prior to coming to the fields for games.
If there is no notice on the main page (or ticker tape),then games are being played as scheduled. Please show up at the field.
Soccer will only be cancelled if the City of Toronto closes the fields due to weather/wet conditions.
In the event that games are cancelled, a notice will be placed on the website and Facebook. We will also attempt to contact parents and players via email.
Hot and Cold
We play soccer in cold, rain or heat.
During a heat wave, players should be kept well hydrated.
Referees and coaches will allow for extra water breaks. (Remember, refillable bottles only).
On cool days, please make sure players are dressed appropriately.
Referees have been instructed that if they see lightning or hear thunder, they are to get everybody (players, coaches, parents, fans) to a safe place.
- The referees will wait 30 minutes after the first sign of thunder/lightning, and if it does not re-occur, they will resume the game.
- If there is lack of time (or it is too dark), they will end the game.
The Wexford Soccer Club House League Committee (WSCHLC) will do everything it can to play all scheduled games that are listed on each team's schedule.
However, due to field availability and time constraints, WSCHLC cannot guarantee that all matches that are rained-out or cancelled will be rescheduled.
March Break - 10th to 14th, 2025
PHOTO DAY - This Saturday, January 15th
Indoor Restarts January 4th
Happy New Year! Indoor restarts this Saturday, January 4th
Indoor House League - U11 STARTED NOV 16TH
U11 STARTED NOVEMBER 16TH. U07 | U09 Cancelled due to low enrolment